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Colour of sound

Oriental_Enrique GranadosJames Kreger
00:00 / 03:35

Give yourself three minutes and a half to enjoy this beautiful piece "Oriental by Enrique Granados".

Close your eyes and focus on the music, then, try to capture it through your visual senses.


What are the colours or images appear in your mind when you listen to this melody?


To experience the synesthesia, this project associates sound with colours by firstly noting down the feelings triggered by the music, then carefully analysing the rhythm and tone of each instrument. The outcome is a graphic illustration composed of colours in geometric shapes.

*Synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon that some people can associate with one sensory with another. For example, they can see the colour in each alphabet or hear the sound of colours.

螢幕快照 2019-12-10 下午3.39_edited.jpg

Year: Nov 2019

Visual Design, Sensorial visualisation

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