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i su 井す

Composed of simple elements, “井す” has a sharp look. The seat of the stool is formed of U-shaped bentwood with slender legs. From the side view, the silhouette of “井す” looks like the character "", due to the composition of the horizontal seat and the vertical legs.


To make an exceptional feature of “井す”, a glossy, translucent acrylic is added on the top of the raised cylinder of one back leg. The combination of acrylic and pine turns out to be a harmonious pair. The mixture of two incompatible materials creates a playful and modern look.

In addition, to emphasize the affinity of wooden furniture, the details of the stool are all designed with round or curved language. This can be found in the cylindrical shape of the legs, the section of the joint parts, the holes for the back legs to go through on the seat, and the rounded edge.

螢幕快照 2022-05-12 上午12.35.15.png

Year: Oct 2019

Design partner: Yang Jui-Fan

Material: pine, acrylic, stainless steel

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